Challenge to be Intentional: Powerful Results

Challenge to be Intentional: Powerful Results


For our friends and family following our journey, you know Emma and I have faced numerous challenges over the years. From heartbreaking miscarriages to unexpected tumors and the financial weight of medical bills and travels to Johns Hopkins.

Earlier this year, scans revealed new areas of concern which ultimately led to us scheduling surgery for Emma in September.
The morning of the surgery, Emma’s doctors told us that the main tumor they’d been monitoring for months had disappeared. Surgery was successful and they removed the other two areas of concern and sent them off for evaluation. The next two weeks were a waiting game to see if the cancer was back.

We are excited to say that the results came back and revealed -no signs of cancer- in her body!

The change? Being intentional. In June, I had an opportunity to go on a mission trip that changed my life and revealed to me how important it is to be intentional with my prayers, my worship, my relationship with Jesus, and my family. I learned how to study scripture and dive into God's promises to His people. It’s funny, I didn’t truly know what that meant until I was in a time of weakness and had no other choice BUT to put Him before everything else. Once my view shifted, things seemed to fall into place. Through this journey, we’ve been able to find the good, even in the middle of the storm.

Through our relationship with Jesus, Emma and I have learned to overcome any obstacles that stand before us. Thank you to our family and friends from the City of Roswell, Safe Kids Worldwide, West Virginia, Roswell United Methodist Church, our 8th-grade small group, and the village that continues to surround us daily.

I challenge you to be intentional with your faith. To dive deeper into the things that are important in life. If you need help, reach out to us. Emma and I are happy to share our story with you.