Intentionally Seeking God: Lessons from a Quiet Weekend
This past weekend, I traveled to Milledgeville, Georgia, to take a fire department class required for my position. While the training itself was valuable, the quiet moments outside the classroom left a deeper impact on me.
I stayed in a small cabin tucked away in the woods along lake Sinclair. With no cell service and no distractions, I was forced to slow down and focus. On Saturday evening, I sat on the dock by the lake. The water reflected the trees, and the silence around me created space for something I had been neglecting for a long time.
With nothing to pull my attention elsewhere, I chose to be intentional with my time. I opened my Bible and spent time reading scripture, letting the words remind me of God’s faithfulness. I courageously prayed over Emma, Valor, and Titus, for my family and friends, for the students I mentor, and for the team I work with. It was not rushed or structured, just an honest, long overdue, conversation with God.
As the sun set (and the temperature *dropped*), I was reminded of how easy it is to let life get too busy for these moments. Too often, prayer becomes quick and shallow, and time in scripture gets pushed aside for the demands of the day. This weekend showed me how refreshing it can be to truly slow down and have a conversation with God.
With the holiday season in full swing, life can feel even more hectic. The to-do lists grow longer, events fill our calendars, and the weight of responsibilities increases. But even in the middle of it all, there’s an opportunity to pause and refocus. Spend time in prayer. Open your Bible and let God’s Word speak to you. These moments, however small, have a way of bringing peace and clarity.
Scripture reminds us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). God is ready to meet you wherever you are, whenever you slow down enough to make space for Him. These moments are never wasted. They are the foundation of a relationship with the One who loves us most.
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